* * * My Words, My World, My Way * * *

Please Write: ALewisPDX@gmail.com

Saturday, January 13, 2007

We've Returned!

We've returned from the deep freeze...temperature in Boise this morning before we left was a balmy 7...."seven." Brr. Pics are posted of our visit. We had a blast. Lots of family time, yummy food, getting Mom and Dad organized for our cruise together on January 28, helping out Sis with a few things. All of that while we wove in and out between the droves of Republicans, Mormons, and most conservative of Christians. We always have plenty to talk about when we return! But, hey, it's where I'm from....and it's my family. I love 'em to death. Don't forget to check out the pics at http://www.flickr.com/photos/alewispdx/sets/72157594477616658/.


Wayne said...

Looks like you had a great time!
also looks like a beautiful town.

Anonymous said...

Welcome home - you were missed. I watered the plants for you while you were gone and took in the mail - next time you really ought to stop the paper - OK?

The pictures look like you all had a really fantastic time!

SlyD said...

Welcome back buddy... missed ya!

Glad you all had fun! The pics are so cute!

Nathan said...

Welcome back :)

Those pics were so cute. I loved seeing the snow too! We don't have snow here anymore... damn global warming :(

T-Bird said...

Lewis: Yes. Lasik surgery. Sort of scared (peeling back the lense and burning off bits of your eye with a laser -- uh -- okay). But everyone I have met (about 10 people) who have had it done are all very happy that they did. It will be nice to be able to see when I wake up w/o fumbling about for glasses. Tuesday. 9:am.

They give you whoopee pills to relax you the night before and the morning of. Xanax. Never had any of them so not sure what it does. Hopefully I will just lay there and not be worried.

Seeing the pix of you and yours...very nice.

So is Portland all screwed up too (ice and snow)? Cheers flyboy, Will

Anonymous said...

my god it looks as cold there as it is here!! brrrr

Anonymous said...

It's been good-god-almighty-cold-as-hell here. -25 this morning. We're heading to Idaho Falls for a spot of fridge shopping, Sam's Club and a movie with friends. Have your balls finally come out of hiding? I don't think mine will until the thermometer reaches 60.

Minge said...


JoeBlogs said...

Welcome back :)

DEREK said...

oh man these pictures are great, very creative, I never realized what beautiful brown eyes you have! Till some of these pictures.

Michael The Shadow said...

Welcome back to warmth! hehe (here in Cali it's supposed to be 25 tonight!)

And you're about to leave on your cruise as I'm going to be getting back from sunny...Costa Rica! :) I'll hopefully talk to ya sometime this week :)

Take care buddy!

Sorted Lives said...

Welcome home!! Pics were great. Loved the one of you two nose to nose.

Sh@ney said...

Heya Spunky,
Welcome back...What great photo's too...Hmmm "The Pillow's"...Cute!
A nice photo of the two of you as well...Thanks for sharing your treasured visit...xox

Ryan said...

welcome back i have missed ya! looks like u had an awesome time!

Kevin said...

Hope you had fun in the Arctic Chill of Idaho. Maybe you found something to keep you occupied on those cold winter nights ...

"W" said...

Hurray! Glad you had a nice trip, glad you're back to tell us all about it!

Jimmi said...

Love the pics, and glad you are back to somewhat reasonable temps... LOL