* * * My Words, My World, My Way * * *

Please Write: ALewisPDX@gmail.com

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Past, Present, Future

There is a new audio greeting for the month of April on the left-hand side....please excuse the head cold/allergy voice!.
Several years ago, I found an old friend via the internet. This guy lived near us while we were growing up in Idaho....the early 1970s. (Right after running water and electricity had been introduced to Boise.)Since then, we've corresponded a number of times. He lives not so far away and I'd love to meet up with him sometime for coffee. He has an amazing and descriptive memory. He has emailed me a number of scenarios that played out from our youth....things that I've definitely forgotten (for self preservation purposes, I think). Take a look:

You have never been one to sit still -- and quite frankly, never will be. Even in ye olden days, you were taking us all over the little burg that Boise was at that time. You had the city bus routes and times down pat. In fact, even then I knew I never had to think about such things -- you already had far in advance.

And in your room, I remember all of the places you said you'd eventually fly to. All of the places you planned on visiting. At that point it was as an airline pilot. You've never lacked for dreams, or for fulfilling them.

You had an intense love of the Carpenters. You wanted a singing group/band and had already named it 'Red Horizon'. Which -- in this flow of consciousness thing going on in my mind at the moment -- reminds me of that red window in your family room at the house on sunset/39th. Hmmmm. Now I hear your mom's voice, slightly amused at something you have done/are doing. I am slightly amused by all of it. I can hear your brother's reprimanding 5th/6th grade tone with you -- "No, Lewis!"

April 17 marks the 10th Anniversary of my coming out. This friend has really tossed out some cool memories for me to think about, process them knowing what I know today, and see how things were fitting together more than 30 years ago. Weird how our lives end up playing out because of seemingly inconsequential events that happened in our youth. It's strange to see how "the handwriting was on the walls," years before we, ourselves, even knew who we really were. And then to compare that, side by side, with the people we've evolved into. And, to take it even a step further, compare that to the human beings that we'd like to become in the future. Sort of a three-part, side-by-side comparison of the past, the present, and the future.

I'm going to meet my friend soon, I hope. He's done a nice job of allowing me to laugh and giggle as I have taken a glimpse at the nut I was as a child. It appears that not much has changed. Today, I'm thankful for those molding experiences that built me into the man I am today. I'm using the month of April to celebrate my amusing past, safe and secure present, and hopeful future. I invite you to do the same.


Michael Guy said...

Nice post, Lewis. I think it important to cherish and remember the past--such innocent and special times, really.

Though I wish I'd known then what I know now: I would have been trouble as a lanky teen. Hope you catch up with your friend--in person--soon!

Steven said...

What an interesting feature to have an audio greeting for the month. It certainly adds another dimension to not only the site, but to you. And compliments to that sexy voice. Congrats on your "coming out" anniversary. It will be 12 years for me in July. That was a moment I can remember in such detail as I'm you can as well.

You were a nut in your youth? The one who is so organized and prepared? Looking into the past is always an adventure for me, which is why I try to maintain albums full of photos and the like. The future can sometimes be tricky, because of the unknowns.

Dave2 said...

Okay... YOUR childhood remembrances are kind of sweet. MINE are just disturbing. I am now hoping I don't have a friend from my past pop up and start sharing my suppressed childhood memories with me! :-)

Doug said...

Happy Anniversary Lewis!

Friends from the past are awesome! Love the audio greeting, too. :)

Sorted Lives said...

What a wonderful way to celebrate the month. I look forward to a month of your crazy stories. Can't wait!!

Have a great time with your friend. He is lucky to have you in his life!

Wayne said...

The Carpenter's "We've only just begun", was our class song. Back in 1971!

D-Man said...

I truly wish I was there riding around on that bus with you two. I'll have to settle for, "Sure is a nice fire"...

Tony said...

Well, first Lewis, thanks for the congratulation wishes! As for the post, it's alwas a riot to find little things that document our past and the person we were at that time annd place. 10 years on April 17th, aye. Well looks like we have a celebratory date in common. I celebrate 47 wonderful years of existence in this crazy world. Not sure were I'll be physically on that day...possibly SF.

Joe Jubinville said...

I met up with an old classmate online not long ago. It's fascinating how some of the experiences we shared had picked up different emphases - as if a light had passed through a prism and broken into different colors. He helped complete the picture with some of the colors that I was missing all that time.

Congrats on reaching the big "10." As Karen, and Wayne have said - you've "only just begun." All the best.

My adventures said...

I'm afraid my childhood stories would be too dark... "I'm just a girl with a lotta past and no future"... 5 festive points for naming the movie!!! great post, and I can't wait for the stories!

Greg said...

Congratulations on the 10-year anniversary. Plus, reconnecting with an old friend who doesn't mind that you liked The Carpenters is always a good sign.

Nathan said...

You would make a great life coach, Lewis!

Congrats on your 10th anniversary :) I loved your new audio greeting, as I always look forward to it.

It's amazing to hear our past through the words of someone else. It all comes together to make us who we are today.

I hope you can get together with your friend soon.

Brettcajun said...

What nice memories Lewis. I need to be reconnected to my childhood myself. I keep thinking I have had two lives (since coming out). But it would be nice to hear stories about when I was younger.

I hope you feel better buddy. My BF has been suffering for weeks from all the pollen down here. We just have to wait until the pollen count goes down.

Run to a steam room and let your sinuses drain. That's what I would do! And I WOULD take the Claritin D!!! (the meth kind)