* * * My Words, My World, My Way * * *

Please Write: ALewisPDX@gmail.com

Monday, September 17, 2007

A Time to Die

September is well underway. Leaves are migrating from greens into yellows and reds. And then spiraling to the earth below, as their stems give way from the branch that has held them, with all of the grace of death. Their time is over. A bit of moisture in the air overnight encourages the bone-dry, dusty ground to give off that smell -- you know that whiff of dust covered with drops of rain and intertwined with the heady aroma of damp mushrooms and wet leaves that stick to the sidewalks and my shoes when I come inside. I even saw a little baby slug this morning on the back sidewalk. (Lucky, for him, he made his way over into the grass where I couldn't see him by the time I'd gone back to find him.) Can't you just smell it in the air? Things closing down, shutting up their doors like a mom and pop store front whose time has expired. They are tired of the warm summer air, beaten up from the rays of the hot sun. Their time is up.

A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted -- Ecclesiastes

I think there are a few things in my own life that need to die this autumn. I'm not typically one who heaves a load of hatred and bad spirit around with me. But I've got a couple of things whose time has expired deep in the crevasses of my heart. I don't have room for them any longer. And a bad thought or two in my mind that need to make their way to death. This is the season of change. Of watching, and allowing, things to die....even encouraging them to. So, I'm digging a hole. Six feet deep. And putting a few things in there. Tossing dirt on top and tamping it down. I don't even think I'll place flowers on the top.

A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up -- Ecclesiastes


Anonymous said...

Walk towards life.

Cooper said...

Beautiful, Lewis. I love that verse.

How can anyone witness this magnificent autumn performance and not be filled with a sense of wonder and gladness?

Listen to the night and know that you are not alone ...

TJ said...

Autumn is a season of change and with it it carries it's own beauty. Try to see it for what it has to offer. On a side note just wanted to send you a ((HUG)) because it sounds like you might need one.

Anonymous said...

awesome mr, makes me feel like I'm walking towards the light. So are you in Orlando today having fun with the guys?

Robert said...

I guess we both feel a bit of change coming our ways eh Lewis? :-) Whatever it is, change is inevitable... and death is life and life is death. Whatever it may be, you're allowing a fresh new beginning, and that can be a very good thing.

Hope you're enjoying your Monday night.

PS. In a way, I'm glad the baby slug made it safely! :-)

"W" said...

How could someone as smart and sexy as you have 'issues to bury'?

I guess we all do, but kudos to you for seeing summer's end as a goodbye to bad things.

PS You can leave taquito crumbs in my bed anytime. Just sweep them out the next morning!

Mike said...

Burying "issues" does not always make them go away - something I am well versed in.

Hope it works better for you.

Steven said...

What a great observation for the coming season. However, it was almost morbid when you mentioned digging a 6-foot hole. I thought, "Who did Lewis wrong?" ;-)

LSL said...

Lewis, I just love this post. Your insight and honesty helps me think through my own seasons.

Ur-spo said...

the celts thought autumn to be the end of the year; and a new year on november first.
it seems apt.

Anonymous said...

How beautiful and poetic. Good for you for putting them to rest. Whatever it is that you buried, I hope that the absence of it in life brings you peace :)

Unknown said...

Fall is great because of Football!!! Hope everything is all right!

DanNation said...

Make the hole larger -- I have a bunch of stuff to throw in! A beautiful and thoughtful post...

Billy said...

Stunning post Lewis. Sometimes, putting away the 'ugly' is good for the soal! Good luck!