Why is it that I have giant tears in my eyes when I listen? Why is it that I have never in my 46 years felt the way I do tonight? Why is it that in spite of all that I've gone through, that my family has dealt with, and all that our nation has endured that I've never felt the way I do tonight. I hope you feel it too.
Hope does that to a person.
I feel it too.
I feel it too, Lewis. I feel like giving the whole world one great big hug :)
Yes we can!
Yes we can!
Because this is the first real US political convention of the 21st century, a political leap beyond the previous ones. (Just as last week, we had the first real Olympics of the 21st century, a technological leap beyond all the previous ones.) The whole culture of the globe is beginning, just beginning, to do the changing it has to do, and we can feel it moving.
Yes We Can!
He's amazing and inspiring and an orator beyond compare.
Yes, we can!
I think (and hope) there are a lot of us feeling it.
I cried through much of the speech.
I feel like there's a chance to take the country back from the thugs that have commandeered it.
I can't even imagine what it will be like if Obama doesn't get elected....
I am finally, finally feeling like there's some change coming. And that's a good feeling.
Not all change is good, but this change is.
I am old enough to remember something that you do not: John Kennedy. I was in junior high/high school during his years. My family was staunchly Republican and opposed his election, but there was in his years a sense of hope and of moving forward despite the issues of the day (civil rights/Cuba). Last night I heard echoes of that hope - hope I have not known in 40 years! There are those determined to smash it. We must not let it happen.
I am hoping so very hard (partially holding my breath) that America will elect this man and give us all the renewed hope that we can see a brighter day! I didn't know until this morning's news that his speech was on a night 45 years after Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his 'I have a Dream Speech.' Dare we dream?
I never thought I would see this in my lifetime...
OBAMA 08 - that's all I gotta say!
I unfortunately didn't catch all of the speech, but it was interesting to hear one of the political commentators at the end of the speech as I turned the TV on say "gay rights." so that definitely perked my ears. I've had hope; I thought there is a good chance with an educated young candidate, and I think McCain's selection for VP led to McCain getting another hole in his head.
Hope you are both doing well...oh yeah and the puppy too!! I feel so proud to be a naturalized citizen. I cried too...even Jerry was impressed :)
Talk to you soon...miss you both :)
Estoy completamente de acuerdo. 100% in agreement.
I feel it too, but frankly I do not trust the Repukes ONE BIT. They are not going to give up control quietly. Even though it seems that Obama will win by a landslide, I'm not going to breathe easy until January 20th 2009...and even then it's not going to be easy to relax, because you know the forces of darkness are not open to the kind of sweeping change in the status quo that Obama represents.
I hope it's just my paranoia speaking...
i stayed up until 1:30 am watching it three times. It was “old testament prophet” powerful. At the end, he was drained and unsmiling. Utter exhaustion at so much of the spirit having traveled through him.
However, I never "mis-underestimate" the stupidity of the amerikan people. Despite overwhelming and painfully self-evident bitter fruits of 7 years of republican rule – they may stupidly vote for change by voting for bush’s third term (i.e. McCorpse and his alaskan trollop).
And thus "Yes we can" becaomes "No we didn't".
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