* * * My Words, My World, My Way * * *

Please Write: ALewisPDX@gmail.com

Monday, October 06, 2008

Newfound Friends in the Empire State

Wednesday morning will carry me on a flight from Portland to Washington Dulles Airport and onto the state capital of New York, Albany. It's at that point that nervousness will ensue. As I leave the airplane, venture through the terminal amidst the waiting throngs of humanity, looking, waiting, heart racing, is my makeup evenly applied, pupils dialating rapidly, sweating like a pig and looking for these cute, young things who, apparently, will "be the guy sweating bullets in a mumu and stilletto heals wearing a giant foam cowboy hat" (his words!):

Okay, okay....I know, they probably don't still look like this....but, then again, I'd need to check their ID if they did. So, there is a possibility that they've aged a bit more perfectly toward maturity like a fine wine. They may actually look a bit more closely like this:

But it really doesn't matter. I just have this tremendous sense of adventure in me that is making more excited than ever to meet some new friends. Sean, Mr. Idol Eyes and a Dormy himself, and his hubby of many years have graciously invited me to spend a very long weekend with them at their home near Albany -- along with their handsome pooch, Clyde. And there's even a possiblity that this handsome man may hook up with us too! It's kind of weird, flying across the country to stay with someone you've never met. My own hubby thinks I'm crazy, quite frankly. We've emailed, blogged, phoned, voice mailed, texted and all of that. But, still, there are those who think we're both crazy -- me for going and them for having me! Ahh, I say, it's all good. It all adds up to this thing we call life -- full of sweetness and good times. I have this feeling that we are going to seriously enjoy one another's company and that, at the end of my time with them, we'll consider each other good comrades. And it doesn't get any better than that, my friends. Who knows, we may even be at the point where we'll actually want to add each other into, say, our little black books or our Christmas card lists. Whoooweeee! So, to my newfound friends Sean and Jeffrey I say I can hardly wait. To meet you. To enjoy you. To say hi to you. And to throw my arms around you at the end of a long flight across the country. Thanks for the invitation. And please, I beg you, don't make fun of my crow's feet or other assorted wrinkles. Nor the other body parts that are falling at the speed of light. I'm bringing my most favorite of Mardi Gras face masks and hope you don't mind nor are embarassed by it.


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! You are going to have a crazy good time... I can just _sense_ these things! ;)
As you know, we all look forward to the report of the adventures! :)

Lemuel said...

I've met them and I can vouch that they are not the mysterious Albany axe murderers in drag that the papers say they are.

LOL! You will enjoy their company and they will enjoy your company, I am sure!

Java said...

What fun! Have a smashing good time, old chap. :)

travelling, but not in love said...

OK, me jealous. I want to be the one waiting at the airport for the be-masked, be-make-upped and bewildered visitor....when you flying into CDG big boy?

Ur-spo said...

lucky bum to be meeting these two fine fellows.
i hope you all have a splendid time; please give em a kiss from me.

savante said...

More fun in the sun. And the guys still look the same!

Tony said...

Have a wonderful weekend! I'm sure this will come as a welcome distraction considering the last week or so ....

Rick Bettencourt said...

I kinda like the short-shorts. ;-)

Breenlantern said...

Thanks for the support, Lemuel!

Hey Jewis..wanna have dinner tomorrow? *snicker*

(unbound giddiness here)

WAT said...

You adventurous man you! That's the spirit! HAPPY TRAILS!

Laurie said...

Hey! I want pictures of that
cowboy hat!

Be safe and enjoy!!


Mark in DE said...

Sounds like you're in for a BALL!

Remember, we'll want photos.

Mark :-)

RAD said...

Your a big boy! You will have a good time Lewis! And no need for the mask! But it is quite fabulous..he he! You are a fine looking gent...Have a safe trip and good holiday! Am I the only guy stuck at home this week or what...all y blogger buds are all travelin! Boo hoo!

annie said...

yes, folks, he really looked like that! unfortunately, we all did.......he just ages more gracefully. :) have an outrageous time, brother....love you!

Anonymous said...

Have yourself a fantabulous time!