* * * My Words, My World, My Way * * *

Please Write: ALewisPDX@gmail.com

Friday, July 04, 2008

Twizzling With Patriotism

Because I'm twizzling with patriotism today, I've decided to show off my red-white-and-blueness. My good friend at Whisper in the Void thought of me when he found this. And he should. I love it. Idaho's statehood day was yesterday. I remember sitting in nearly the top row at Boise State University's stadium on the night that Idaho celebrated its centennial in 1990. Fireworks, bands, and candles lit brightly as Lee Greenwood's God Bless the USA blared. The crowd went wild. And so do I with this little t-shirt. I do love my homestate -- so, please, spare me the "you shouldn't have" comments.

And on this holiday morning, I was wrought with angst over the passing of one of our nation's great forefathers. God fearing, white, Republican, stood for family values and morals, and -- now -- dead. Happy of Fourth July -- Celebrate it in Style, would you?


Dave2 said...

When I first heard the news, I flashed back to that scene in the first Batman movie where Jack Nicholson as The Joker is talking to the corpse of a guy he just electrocuted. It's kind of sick and twisted, but then he says "I'm glad you're dead!" and it becomes funny.

I wish I didn't feel that way about anybody... I try so hard not to... but for Jesse Helms? Yes, I'm glad the bastard is dead. This racist, homophobic, disgusting piece of shit of a human being has no place on this earth.

Birdie said...

I'm celebrating the fourth in the Boise airport right now, on my way home to Indiana. We'll see the fireworks across the US at 30,000 feet.

I like Boise! The BoDo district is great, and the heat (106°) dissipates when the sun goes down. I only spent two days in the area, but I'd come back for the mountains nearby in a heartbeat.

Happy fourth!

Anonymous said...

Good riddance!

Anonymous said...

Ah! I remember the days when that Lee Greenwood song was played all the time!
A very Happy 4th of July to you and your's!!!

Breenlantern said...

and painted red white and blue stars on your body, then stood at full salute...now THAT'S patriotic!

Oh, yeah...

ding dong the helms is dead! the hateful helms! the wicked helms! ding dong the wicked helms is deeeeaaaaad!

Doug said...

So do we need to issue a new t-shirt?

Ur-spo said...

Alas I too had the emotional reaction to the news of 'I am glad he is gone'
what a legacy for a person, when their death evokes emotions of joy or relief?!

Anonymous said...

You're the first source that I have heard this from. Which I think is a good thing. Had I heard it from TV or read about it, the news probably would have been followed by all his "work" and "accomplishments." Hope your fourth was a blast!

Matt said...

I'm loving the t-shirt. And don't get me wrong, either - Idaho is beautiful. But I also have bad memories of it while moving to Seattle.

And while I don't like to rejoice in anyone's death, I will admit a sense of relief and that "good riddance" or something less nice slipped out of my mouth at yesterday's news. More than once.

-carywd said...

as i said in my post- is death is "a rather nice birthday present to the country..."

Mark in DE said...

That t-shirt is hilarious!

And I'm afraid I, too, have difficulty concealing my glee over the passing of Jesse Helms, who was truly one of the LEAST patriotic Americans.

Mark :-)