* * * My Words, My World, My Way * * *

Please Write: ALewisPDX@gmail.com

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Pulling My Hair Out

I swear to god, every time I'm with my family, I think that they are crazier than they were the last time. (Sorry, sis...I just have to say it out.) As you know, I'm here because my mom had total knee replacement surgery and I'm helping her out with transportation needs and all of that. But this place is about as quiet and peaceful for her recovery as a good old fashioned Kansas twister. My step father drives me batty. He's an 83-year-old child. Full of energy, noisier than hell, slams every single door he ever walks through, drops things regularly, pulls all of the dishes out of the dishwasher that I just loaded because "it wasn't quite right," goes out to his little gardening shed in the back yard where he does who knows what like a little high school child, does not help out in the house with cleaning and doing things that need to be done, doesn't like the food that my mom prepares for him (she's an amazing cook, by the way), always has a long belabored story to tell, wakes my mom up from her rest just to ask silly questions or say some unnecessary bit of trivia. He's a bull in a china cabinet. And the list goes on. Plus, the phone rings off of the hook....and they always answer it, unlike me who rarely actually answers my phone. Neither of them can hear so the TV volume has to be nearly as loud as the set will allow....I mean, it's deafening. And asking questions of anybody is next to impossible. They can't hear you ask....so you end up repeating it over and over. Combine that with the conservative politics, religion, and hatred of "Californians, Mexicans, and Blacks," and I'm just not cut out to be here very long. It's just plain old not my home any longer.

I'm just not used to it. I am a peaceful, relatively quiet, person. I enjoy nothing...peace....quiet....zero. I rarely dis on my family. I love them dearly but, truthfully, I'm always ready to go home. I require quiet. And there just isn't any here. I think I'm going to go home more gray than when I arrived. In fact, I know I am. Thankfully, my hubby arrives tomorrow to help take the edge off of this nasty attitude I've picked up.


Java said...

Oh, honey, I know the distress. We love them because they are family. I can't stand being with mine for very long. When I'm in Florida taking care of Mama for some reason it's usually bearable. Believe it or not, though, it's more difficult to be with her when she's feeling good and I'm there for a friendly visit rather than a care-taking mission.

I hope you survive, sanity intact. When do you get to go back home to the peace and quiet?

Billy said...

I can visit my parents (and Dawie's for that matter) in short bursts. We are both such perfectionist that not being in our own, quite organized space drives us crazy! I know, a little pedantic, but from such cloth we are cut...

My adventures said...

There was a great story on the Today show last week, perhaps you can find it on their website, but it was about growing elderly. There were things you could do to simulate being elderly, like putting popcorn kernels in your shoes to simulate something or other, putting cotton in your ears to simulate how they hear, and all sorts of other things, find the video, perhaps if you saw it, you'd have a bit more compassion. I'm around old folks all the time and I certainly learned a lot from it, sounds like it would do you a world of good to see it too!! It really puts it all in a different light indeed!!

Blair said...

Help is on the way......now, where did I put those "Obama '08" buttons?

tornwordo said...

Oh gosh. And I'm reminded of the week I have to spend in the same house as the folks at xmas. Thank god the election will (fin-afucking-ly) be over then.

travelling, but not in love said...

You poor thing. I'm off to Chicago next week and it was supposed to be a short break with brother. It's turned into a week with 9 of us. 9 family members all together for a week. Can you imagine?

I'll end up crying before the week is out.

You're not flying to Chicago between the 1 and 8 November by any chance? ha ha.

Lemuel said...

I was that way with my parents before they died and I feel that way when I visit my sister or my in-laws.

Just let me alone!

Anonymous said...

(((((((HUGS))))))) of strength to help you make it through.

Anonymous said...

Thank God for the solace of your hubby and sanctuary of your own home!

PS- my family makes me crazy also, gotta take 'em in small doses!

Doug said...

Wow, I'm sending you some calming, peaceful thoughts.

I suppose you could wear earplugs and a sign saying, "Ask me no questions, I will tell no lies." And unplug the phone (or cut the wires leading into the house).

Breenlantern said...

I have so much to say, but here is not the place, now is not the time. Suffice it to say, I was not born with the tolerance, love or compassion you and your readers have for your families...hang in there buddy...we''' have twice as much fun at New Years to make up for this...

annie said...

yes, folks, i'm the 'sis', and this is all true to the very detail. i have been learning many new lessons at this season of my life, and this is where most of them are being taught - at home with the parents. there was a day when i would have 'had enough', and left. due to poor personal decisions, today i am very close to my idaho family on a daily basis and grateful to be here. this is teaching me tolerance, letting go of the little things, and cleaning up my side of the street. yes, i am eagerly awaiting another step on this journey of life. in the meantime, however, i will treasure the moments i've come to realize are 'precious', and keep the earplugs VERY handy!!!

Laurie said...

HA!!! I'm laughing yes...The funny
thing is that when it's gone....
You miss it more than anything....
My son and his friends are the
same way....Doors slam, music loud,
bikes litter the front lawn.....


Wayne said...

I hear you Lewis! A few hours with my Mom(and I love her dearly)and I'm ready to head home!