* * * My Words, My World, My Way * * *

Please Write: ALewisPDX@gmail.com

Monday, September 17, 2012

The Testing of Peace

Isn't peace always being tested?  Mine is.  I have this stainless steel peace necklace around my neck.  It's a reminder.  Constantly.  Of my humanity and frailty. 

But I think it is time to take it off.  I feel less peaceful today than in a very long time.  And the peace symbol seems to be quite ironic.  It almost mocks me.  I have one on the tattooed on the back of my calf too.  I always said that I would always work toward peace.  But today, I'm not so sure. 


anne marie in philly said...

I like the fur. whatsa matter, honey? peace is always the better choice.

Ur-spo said...

Better keep it on, to remind you not to go over to the dark side of the force; too many there already !