* * * My Words, My World, My Way * * *

Please Write: ALewisPDX@gmail.com

Friday, April 27, 2007


Have someone ever extended a portion of grace to you? Have you ever extended grace to someone else? "Of course" is probably the answer to both. There are numerous formal definitions to the word "grace." There is the "seemingly effortless beauty or charm of movement, form, or proportion" which reminds me of old classic movies, with beautiful women and men, gliding gracefully across the dance floor. It also reminds me of a couple of people I know who carry themselves in such a graceful way. If I ask a born-again Christian about the word, I'm nearly positive I'll hear a response about "divine love and protection bestowed freely on people; the state of being protected or sanctified by the favor of God; or an excellence or power granted by God." Many a sermon has been preached along those lines. And then there is the short prayer said before many a meal or the title that some are called such as "His Grace." That's what I like my honey to call me in more formal settings....you know, maybe at a silver tea service gathering among the formally dressed and coiffed.

But have you ever been granted "mercy; clemency; a favor rendered by one who need not do so; a temporary immunity or exemption; a reprieve"? I have. There have been numerous times in my life when I've been a real asshole and done or said things that should have brought down terrible consequences for me. And sometimes they have. Or said things to others in a fit of anger or without thinking before speaking. Sometimes, that has led to a knock-down, drag-out fight. Other times, the person just looked at me and said "I understand." No retribution, no hatred, no rebuttal. Grace extended. Or mistakes made that can't be undone....it's too late.....I've really screwed up. And there was someone else saying "I'm going to overlook it. I know you've made a mistake and won't do it again." And suddenly it's like you have a new lease on life. A new chance and a new fresh start. And at some other point just beyond that, you realize that, by all rights, you should have been sent to the gallows or dungeon. But that you weren't. If you have been there, and I know you have, you know exactly what I mean. I did not used to be a person who would easily ask for forgiveness and say "I'm sorry." And I am not proud of that. I hope I'm getting better. I'm trying to "put on the softer side of Sear's" as the commercial goes.

Have you extended grace to anyone recently? I hope so. Because I believe in karma or "it all comes back around." It's just a way of life that I hope to foster. And I hate the thought of what not doing it does to my physical and emotional body....in my head and heart. Even if they deserve the worst....and many times, they do. Just like I have, numerous times. I think of the hurt I caused my ex-wife when I even married her in the first place knowing that it didn't stand much of a chance. I think of the harmful, unmerited words uttered to my partner in fits of anger. I think of uncalled for sighs or rolls of the eyes or "you're annoying me" body language I have been prone to from time to time. Or actions taken that cannot be reversed. It's not pretty. And, still, the grace was offered.

I hope you'll pass grace along to someone today who doesn't deserve it. Someone who yells at you, doesn't speak back when spoken to, cuts you off in traffic -- or, more personally, your family, friends, or partner when they have bad attitudes and tell you that you're a pain in the butt. You probably are.

And that's the perfect time to reach out, extend grace and unmerited favor, and begin to develop into a different type of person. The person like Grace Kelly, Mother Teresa, or one of those who we think of when we think about the word "grace."


Unknown said...

I have extended grace throughout my life, but extending grace without any thought of receiving anything back in return whatsoever- that is the greatest challenge, and the greatest reward. Thanks for the thought.

Jack said...

I don't know what brought this on, but nicely said.

I guess I do give grace, 2 wrongs don't make a right. That's what I always say.

If someone makes a mistake or yells, yelling yourself won't fix anything.

Have a great week end!?

My adventures said...

Being southern, my mother alway said, "Ugly will find you", meaning if you were ugly, instant karma. lol... I try to daily!!! It's important to my well being and karma.

My mother also said you could say something horrible about anybody as long as it was prefaced with "Bless her/his heart", i.e., "Bless her heart, she's as dumb as a box of rocks".

T-Bird said...

Yes. “Give what you want to receive” is what I have learned that works well. And if someone will not give it to you, that’s okay, too.

I see the doubling of the delphiniums. Lovely effect. I need to get me some in my garden for some summer show time.

You are an odd (meant in a most appreciative way) piece of work. Great collection of traits that an a quick glance might appear to be all over the map, but upon closer inspection they do weave a wonderful personal tapestry.

From grace...to weaving. Happy Saturday!!!

T-Bird said...

This is a delightful post. Who hasn't been an asshole at times or an idiot? I am happy to say that I do it infinitely less than I did when I was young and full of myself. I am less and less impressed with myself as I get older. My role is seen by me as being smaller and smaller, and of less and less consequence to the overall scheme of things (heck, I could say this for all of mankind in the scheme of the universe – but that is a different sermon) – it amounts to the role of a small bird visiting a garden and bringing a smile to someone’s face and eyes.

Sometimes grace is given to strangers you meet – and chat a few minutes with. Sort of a case of “Grace being extended by all humanity, with you unconsciously serving as the vessel”. This comes easily to me – perhaps one of the gifts that Paul speaks of in 1 Corinthians – chapter 12). Had it happen again yesterday. Chatting with a stranger (in her late 60’s – part American Indian, African American, and Jewish).

She ends up asking me if I am a priest. That has to be the bazillionth time I have been asked that. Always odd since it occurs when there has been no mention whatsoever of religion.

T-Bird said...

PS: you are mentioned in this week's soup (will finish late tonight -- I hope.

Tony said...

Now don't forget Audrey Hepburn. Sorry I missed you in Orlando. I was going out as you were coming in...bummer.

Doug said...

I try very hard to live and let live, but I'm not sure that qualifies as extending grace. This is something I will have to work on.

In some situations, however, when I see someone is down or being abused in some way, I go out of my way to comfort them or compensate for their crappy situation.

And I KNOW I've done things and been extended grace on too many occasions. So I have some Karma to make up before I'm done on this planet.

D-Man said...

Ah Lewis, you old soul - you have once again forced me to look deep within myself.