Anybody remember this? I was reminded today by a fellow blogger of a far-distant memory that I've had for some time now. I don't know if it's a good or bad memory...but I know it's (no pun intended) a little twisted. Even naughty. I'm not even sure how to sort it out. Maybe psychotherapy or medication would help. I've asked my mother about it. She claims "I don't remember." Just like a good politician.....that'll get you off the hook every time. And it has.
The time was probably around the early 1970s -- again, in Idaho. God, what is it that keeps bringing up these odd memories from the most red state in the union. I think things happen there that we don't like to talk about. We became friends with our pastor's family and would go visit from time to time. We'd have dinner, kids in one room, adults at the formal dining table. After dinner, it was no different. The children would stay in the family room to play show and tell or spin the bottle (no, wait, that was with the babysitter)....but it seems that the adults were involved, possibly, in their own version of games.
I remember seeing my parents down on the floor with the pastor and his wife and the Twister board layed out beneath them. Red, yellow, green, blue dots...the hands, arms, legs, and feet all twisted, intertwined, and contorted to produce quite a visual mound of pastor, wife, daddy, and mommy. I never knew that my parents ever got that close. Let alone with a man of the cloth and his outspoken, mouthy wife.
I don't remember, but I wonder if they had a bottle of Mazolla oil nearby?
I guess the version from our community, we use Crisco! d'oh!
Great weekend sweetheart!!! xoxo
I never got into twister as a kid. I didn't have the confidence to be that close to people. Nowadays, if I ever played, I'd find it difficult to control myself.
Twister is such a bizarre game. Wonder how many sexual affaires started because of a glance during a game of twister...
Wow, you saw your parents and the Pastor and his wife playing Twister?
You poor thing. That can't be good for any kid. haha!
Twister was fun when I was a kid, but I'm weird about people's feet... I didn't want to get close to them, so that makes the game difficult.
Perhaps I should get the game as an adult. I can think of some interesting scenarios that might occur.
That creates quite a dirty picture in my mind...crisco and all! I can't imagine the pastor part.
I grew up in that "milton-bradley" board game era, too, but we never got TWISTER. I played the helloutt'a MOUSE TRAP, though.
(when I wasn't sneakin' my sister's BARBIEs)
naked twister is the suff of urban legends! no one ever seems to have been in one, but all have heard of it.
Never played twister in our house - Monopoly was as close to 'physical contact' as we got. Sure I should discuss this with my therapist the next time I see her...
OMG! I had a totally different outcome pictured for your post. When I got to "When I saw my parents down on the floor with the Pastor", things started to go south. Only because I was thinking what it would have been like to see my parents playing Twister. And God forbid if our priest was involved.
On a lighter note, the one thing I remember about Twister had nothing to do with playing the game, but performing a "skit" for it; along with the game Perfection and the old Sucrets commercial with the husband waking up "Barbara" stating his throat is "kinda sore". Oh, the response that could go with that 15 years later, knowing who I am. ;-)
This game was clearly intended for adult usage & not snotty nosed brats...oops!
It's strange to even imagine my folks ever playing board games. But Twister? Interesing family you've got there....
My mom and dad did not allow us to have it after my older sister was caught playing with her boyfriend... I was never told why but as I got older I figured it out. I mean... what was the problem? Why could my sister and I not have it? Dam older siblings...
Like Mike... I was a Mousetrap fan! Screw the game... I just wanted to build the contraption and see it work. I used to set things like that up in my room and watch them work.
I would have paid money to see my mom, dad and family priest playing Twister... LOL...
OMG, Lewis! I can't imagine my parents playing Twister with the pastor!!! I can't even go there in my mind.
And for the record, ur-spo, I can actually admit to having played naked twister about 10 years ago, at an all-male party. It was hilarious and stimulating to say the least.
I loved Twister as a kid, I always won, I also remember the first time I played twister with a bunch of hot gay guys when I was first coming out. Now that was the best twister game I remember.
hey there! THANKS for the shout out!!! I love your twister post! I enjoy reading your blog btw...its fun!
I remember Twister, too. I'm 46. I took my very cute but very straight cousin to a party, warning him ahead of time it was mostly gay guys - he was the second person I came out to, so he understood. We were both 19 and we also about 10 to 15 years younger than almost everyone else. He was a pretty good sport about it and I think enjoyed it a little more than he had planned. But, he didn't do anything other than make the game a little more uncomfortable for everyone.
ohh - Crisco and pastors... I had a very very handsome young pastor... at some point he got resigned from our church... I never found out why, I always imagined it had to do with naked twister and Crisco
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