* * * My Words, My World, My Way * * *

Please Write: ALewisPDX@gmail.com

Sunday, June 15, 2008

With Pride on Father's Day

My good buddy Dave at Blogography has been a faithful supporter of all things gay and I want to say thanks to him today. It's Pride Sunday here in Portland. And despite the fact that hubby and me are home with his horrible sore throat and fever, the festivities do continue (albeit not half as much fun without us, I am imagining in my own mind). Dave has written several amazing posts about his support for GLBT causes and folks. So, on this Pride Day, I turn you over to Dave for a scratch-n-giggle about we gays and our agendas.

Here's a look back at my Pride Day last year here in Portland. (By the way, the Ginch Gonch skivvies have been passed on to Goodwill...they were much too, shall we say, form-fitting for this arse.)

And, who can forget Father's Day? As you're well aware from reading this series (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3), I was in love with my own and his impact on my own life is great. Today, I commend all of you who are fathers and I wish for happier memories for those of you who struggle with your own. And, sadly, I woke up to read of my friend Nathan and his family struggles this past week.


Ur-spo said...

Happy day to you regardless what you are celebrating.
May that sore throat heal soon.
salt water gargles remain the panacea of remedies.

Dave2 said...

Sorry to hear you're sick. Hope you were to get in at least a little celebrating this weekend!

Anonymous said...

I think I saw those two (from the top pic. on your last yrs. Pride post) at this year's parade!
It was a GORGEOUS weekend weather wise, and we really just enjoyed the whole Pride weekend!!

Hope you both are feeling much better!


Breenlantern said...

I feel your "missed pride pain." Guess you guys will have to meet us in Toronto next week and we'll make up for it together! :-) Hope the hubby is better.