* * * My Words, My World, My Way * * *

Please Write: ALewisPDX@gmail.com

Saturday, October 04, 2008

The Kiss of Life

We all wish for things in our lives that we will never have. And we all wish for things to be out of our lives that will never be. The list of things we have always talked about having and the list of things that we've always talked about not having.

My father in law passed away without much pain from what we could tell. Thankful! The whole experience lasted a relatively short period of time. Thankful! I'm so grateful that his days of struggling are over. I'm glad that his caregiver, his wife of 59 years, no longer has to struggle emotionally about how to fix him meals that he won't choke on or how to get him in and out of his chair or how to even help him to and from the toilet -- one of life's most basic and bottom-line activities. There is a strange, nearly selfish, sense of relief. For him, of course -- but for her and the rest of us who helped him in his efforts to achieve a good quality of life. I loved to kiss him on his forehead. And I know that when I did, I felt such a sense of zing and connection. Because I felt it back, in return. He was one who really didn't have any close personal friends since we moved them up to Portland six years ago. And I really haven't had any mature, fatherly type men in my life since my own father left this earth 14 years ago. So, there was this connection, this invisible rope hooking two unlikely candidates in harmony. I've said before, he liked me. I liked him. There is always something energizing between you and someone outside of your normal circle of friends and family. The outside connection that adds zip and pizazz to your life, the one who makes you smile, the one who brings something to your life that even one's partner or spouse cannot. The one you like to hang around because they not like the one's you normally hang with. And he did that for me. And I, him. We were on the same wavelength many times. I could walk into the room and feel his frustration from whatever had just been happening before I got there. I could see it and feel it in his eyes. And then he'd spot me and things would change. And then, the kiss on the forehead or the shake of the hand.

I wish him happiness on his journey. In his transition. I hope it wasn't painful or a struggle. I hope he went with joy, knowing that his contribution to our earth was worth it. Without regret or wishing he had or had not. And I hope that he didn't know of my gasp, or my eyes filled with salty tears, while I envisioned my own father in his last remaining minutes on the globe. And I really hope that he knew of my kiss on his clammy, cold, pale forehead just a few hours before he left the confines of his earthly body. The kiss that sent him away and said that it was alright to go. The kiss of life. Between two unlikely candidates. The kiss that I hope sent him into eternity in peace.


Anonymous said...

My condolences on the loss of your father/father-in-law.

May all the happy memories of him stay with you both for a long time.

Breenlantern said...

You have made an already emotional weekend even more emotionally charged, and upped my excitement to hug the man who could say these words and express these emotions....

Birdie said...

The mind continues while the body fails. He felt that kiss and the love behind it. Thank you for sharing your grief with us, so that we might share your burden. Hugs to you and all who will miss him.

r. said...

May he rest – for now, for his journey continues on...

LeLo said...

Oh that was lovely. My thoughts are with you...Take good care of each other.

Anonymous said...

You are so lucky to have had such a wonderful relationship with your father in law. I'm so sorry for your loss, but jealous of your relationship.

Anonymous said...

You are so lucky to have had such a wonderful relationship with your father in law. I'm so sorry for your loss, but jealous of your relationship.

Tony said...

So nicely put. Hope you boys are holding up OK xx

Ur-spo said...

I have been away from blog-land for a few days;
I was excited to come here and get your updates; I was saddened to hear of your loss.

Words at this time are usually lame and useless. It is comforting to know how many people care for you and are thinking/praying for him and for you two.

Be well.

Java said...

Thank you for sharing your memories of this wonderful man so that we, too, may get a glimpse of his beauty. My continues prayers to you and Blair and the rest of the family.

paul said...

You brought out so many emotions in me that I thought were so deeply buried. Through the tears as I read,recent memories were brought back. Your last sentence will always remain in my consciousness. Beautiful post. Peace to you and yours.

Tony (LT) said...

Lewis..I have been put of pocket for a while, so my apologies for being so late in this.

My condolences and prayers to you and your family. while it is never pleasant to lose a loved one, it is good to know that he went peacefully and I hope that you all can find some comfort in that.

You guys have been through so much in the past year. I hope that you will be granted some relief in the days and months to come.

Rather than focusing on his passing, try to focus on his life and all that his presence in your life has given you.

Anonymous said...

Continued prayers and strength sent your way. Even though he has moved on in his journey, his absence has still got to be painful for the family. (((((Lewis)))))

RAD said...

sweet sweet post... Hugs to you Lewis...

dpaste said...

Your father in-law departed on my birthday. Things come and go so quickly around here.

Beautiful post. Thanks for sharing this. May his memory be a blessing to you and your families.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful... the tender love and care you shared with him, and the light I am sure you gave to him and clearly he returned to you. Peace be with you and yours as the transitions continue in your father-in-law's absence.

Mark in DE said...

What a lovely post.

Mark :-)

Nathan said...

I thought after 10 days I'd know what to say about this post, but I still don't. Sometimes I'm not good with words. I'm just glad he's on a new journey, as you said.

Thinking of you guys :)