* * * My Words, My World, My Way * * *

Please Write: ALewisPDX@gmail.com

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Bustin' My Ass

I swear, the older this body gets, the harder it is to jump start it. As you well know, I've gone back to the gym. Just finished my second session. Met with my horribly handsome blue-eyed and buffed personal trainer Cody today. He's my kind of man. He made it clear that he wasn't there to waste my time nor allow me to screw around. He busted my ass good in a polite sort of guy-from-Southern-California kind of way. I know that many of you work out regularly and don't find this wide-eyed amusement of mine very ingenious. But for a dude who hasn't been in the gym in years, it's quite a feat. I'm proud of my push .... but you know, it's like anything else, you have to keep it up. It's a lifestyle change, really. Not a diet. Not a fad. Not a deal where you'll go if you feel like it. It's clearly something that has to be ingrained into the schedule of your life and beyond. Cody cranked it up fairly good and we're going to get all sweaty again tomorrow. I'm definitely going to be heading to the yoga classes as well -- something I've never done before and am really excisted about trying. I love new experiences. After I finished letting him work me over (and clearly having visions of my working him over), I headed to the treadmill where the sweat began to pour....the full-blown run felt pretty wicked, my face reddened, and I really had to fight to find the right pace, the steadiness of it, where each foot was coming down in its own good time and place, comfortable and right. It's a game, isn't it? A challenge to find out what your body can do in the very next 60 seconds. It feels good, I think. When I sat in their backseat one recent day, I told my friends Sean and his handsome husband that I really needed to find an entirely new mindset before I could go back to the gym. Honestly, I didn't want to do it but knew that it was the right thing to do. I needed a whole new framework on which to build. I think I've just begun to find it.


Blair said...

I am proud of you, even though I love you just the way you are, I know that there is something wonderful about feeling good and doing good things for the body. You set a good example for us all!

Unknown said...

Congrats on getting back to the gym... though you are to skinny anyway... it is always good to keep the body in check... now I will have to do the same... it has been two weeks and a gain of at least 5 pounds... uggh.... keep it up!!! you will appreciate it (and honestly, i think going to the gym increase my sex drive...hmmm)

Keith said...

Good luck with the new you! I haven't been in a gym in years either, but I did run on the beach 3 or 4 times a week until about six months ago, when I became too busy to do that. I hope to take it up again, though.

(Lewis, it works, as you can see, when you send links. I'm going to keep trying to get in the regular way, however, so you don't have to send me links all the time.)

Breenlantern said...

i guess you will be improving on perfection, and you are already so far ahead of the rest of us...

Wayne said...

We want to see before and after pics!

Doug said...

Good for you! Buffed personal trainers are certainly good motivators. Oh, and the mindset, yes, that's very important. ;)

Anonymous said...

Truer words could not be spoken... 'It's a lifestyle change...I needed a whole new framework on which to build.' It seems (frustratingly) that with each new decade I have had to reinvent whatever it is that I need to get myself in order. Great job Lewis!

Laurie said...

I get tired just watching people
work out....I do enough running
around work that by the time I
get home I don't wanna move my

So glad you're doing it though!


Ur-spo said...

Good for you
I am trying to do the same with my personal trainer.
Would we could take photos of our Trainers and find out who has the cuter one?

annie said...

for MANY years i've known you to be handsome, well-dressed, well-spoken, nicely groomed, and stocking a much nicer closet than your sister. hard to improve on 'my version' of perfection, but it's all in the eye of the individual. i'm proud of you and every decision you make. keep at it, and maybe sometime you'll see me there! oh, and happy buffing!

WAT said...

Congrats meester! I haven't been to the gym in about a year. I always keep telling myself I will go back, and hopefully I too will get a handsome hot-as-hell trainer as well.

Keep it up, although it is very hard and takes discipline of course.