* * * My Words, My World, My Way * * *

Please Write: ALewisPDX@gmail.com

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas

Chains shall he break for the slave is our brother....
And in his name all oppression shall cease....
I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I don't care about your personal religious beliefs or lack thereof.  I gather my inspiration and motivation from a wide variety of places, sources and people.  But I do try to remember that the slave is our brother.  And that in the name of peace all oppression shall cease.  
Nearly every day of my almost 50 years on this planet I am confronted with the stark shortcomings of my humanity.  I come face to face with the fact that I am not perfect and that the world we live in is a mess.  I know full well that my goals for the year 2011 have failed -- and that the goals from the past year will probably be the same for the coming year.  I'm a work in progress....it's far more a journey than a destination.  None of that can be an excuse to continue to not strive for something better, greater.  Something peaceful.  Without destruction.  Something sustainable. 
Be nice to one another.  No matter what.  There is never an excuse to be unkind. 
Merry Christmas. 


Anonymous said...

I love this post. Merry Christmas, my friend.

Rick said...

Merry Christmas to you and yours as well.
I'm so glad to see you traveling the blog world again. You can be so inspirational.

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a wonderfully blessed Christmas, my dear friend!


Will said...

Arnie, dear man, we are ALL works in progress and that's the best thing about us. We haven't ground to a halt, we learn from our failures because that is how we learn. If we only succeeded, we'd never question and figure it out. We help others figure it out, and we grow together.

You wrote beautifully and at the end you reminded me of a line in Tennessee Williams' play The Night of the Iquana: "Nothing human disgusts me, Mr Shannon, unless it's unkind."

Ur-spo said...

with luck, we will always be a work in progress.

Happy Christmas to you !