We've got our smart phones but we're a very dumb people. It's time for my life to take a different turn. I'm not happy where it is today. I find that evaluations of my life on a regular basis is essential. To be sure I am on the right track. The track I actually want to be on instead of a road that has simply evolved, one that has just occurred by happenstance instead of by a concerted choice of mine. Today, I'm choosing differently. I have to. I really do. Today I am choosing to look up, into the eyes of those around me more than down at a mobile screen. Today I'm going to leave my mobile at home, or alone, for an hour....or more. I may even turn it off.....and go to the gym, or take a walk, or read a book. Who knows what may happen.
I am 52 years old. And as much as I love technology, it is plain to see what negative effects it has had on our human world. The world of connecting on a human, lifelike level. Oh, we're connected on the screen, no doubt. But that's where it ends. It's like a life half lived. I've got a husband who needs me now. Today. Right this minute. Far more than my need to answer a text message. I've got a life that needs creating -- into a peaceful, warm environment. Far more than my need to see if I have any notifications or "likes". So what is the value if someone "likes" you on Facebook but hates you in real life.
In a recent writing, I shared of my irritation with life in past years. And I shared that I don't like it. Today is a day to do something different. Anything!
I share many of your concerns with how technology replaces human interaction far too often. The other night I was at a bar for karaoke and saw 6 guys, each standing by himself, staring down at his iPhone. I'm thinking "Why not look to your right and actually TALK to the person next to you?"
This was well said.
I suspect many will see the wisdom you summarize here. I hope so any.
When killing time on your own, the phone is great. but in the meantime, like when walking about, I like to look up.
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