* * * My Words, My World, My Way * * *

Please Write: ALewisPDX@gmail.com

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Less-than-Admirable Qualities

Last night on email, a fellow blogging buddy -- and someone who I'd call a good friend even though we've never met -- had this to say to me: "Ugh. I hate it when you get overly serious and won't entertain my humor." We were just bantering back and forth about this or that, nothing heavy at all, and I apparently dove face first into an overly serious response. I admitted that I can definitely become overly serious from time to time. It's one of those qualities that lends itself to good sometimes and to being a real pisser at other times. How about you? Anyone else experience those same sorts of things or am I out here all by myself?
We've got a pretty heavy scene going on in our family this week. Could be seriously life-altering and changing. Quite frankly, I'm scared to death. I can't even stand the thought of what hell the outcome may bring. I'd love your good thoughts and such.

We've got house guests arriving Thursday for the weekend. I'll be away from email and blogging all weekend....we've got a full agenda and are really looking forward to entertaining these guys. They've never visited Portland before. I've already warned them: "You may not want to go home." It's a great place to live.
One last question for the world: Why is it that those crazy hairs on our backs, shoulders, even chest, turn a lovely shade of silvery platinum and poke up like a teenager as we age? I've just discovered this wonder of nature over the recent few months. Just a couple of strays on my shoulders that I try diligently to pluck.


Greg said...

What?! Those hairs turn gray?? Damn...

Anonymous said...

My very dear friend whom I've never met -

We all have positive and negative qualities. We wouldn't be human if we didn't :)

I'm very curious what life altering events will be taking place. Sounds scary indeed. I'm sending all my positive thoughts, well wishes, and good vibes your way.

You have silver hairs? Wait, it gets worse... Mine are full-on WHITE. I get them in between my eyebrows and in my nose. Sexy, isn't it?

Sorted Lives said...

I hope everything works itself out! Have a great weekend with your friends and TRY to keep the husband out of trouble! Chat with you soon!

K-A said...

Friends, a good friend that is should understand bantering from one subject to the next and from one mood to the next. It's normal. I am like this and my friends get it.

Perhaps it's not the same when it's someone whom you have never met. When people actually meet and see one another I think a stronger bond develops. I am not saying this person isn't a good person. It's just y'all haven't interacted face to face and when this happens I think there is a kind of development on a psychic level which helps friends understand one another better.

I do so hope these life-altering events will be easeful and peaceful for you. Hang in there, my friend.

Oh, since turning 40 this past May, all of a sudden my chest hair is going silver and crazy silver hairs are popping out on my back, ears, neck, nose and eyebrows. Every morning when I get up and look into the mirror I see more! WTF?

LSL said...

Thinking of you, Lewis!

Ur-spo said...

I am saddened to hear about the family matter; I hope it goes as well as it can.
thoes gray hairs are badges or honor -and rather nice to nibble.

daveincleveland said...

hope everything is alright out there in portland, thoughts will be with you....and those hairs...just wait.....the ears, thats what gets me, coming out from everywhere just sometimes wonder wtf.......where is this growning from.......

bardelf said...

You're in my thoughts with the family situation and I sincerely hope for the best outcome.

As for becoming too serious, the first thing that strikes me is that you were talking electronically with this friend. I think that although this modern way of communication allows us to often be more open with our emotions we do so by losing the visual cues and subtleties of voice that are both so important to conversation.

Silver hairs popping up? Welcome to middle age. My thick chest hairs have gone from dark brown to white almost overnight. It's like watching an avalanche fall from my throat to my belly.

Doug said...

Boy, do I ever get too serious sometimes. I try not to, but sometimes there's no helping it.

Good thoughts headin' your way. I hope things turn out better than you expect.

No crazy hairs yet. Yet.

Have a great weekend with your guests! *hugs*

Robert said...

Every thing will work itself out Lewis. No point in worrying, but I know sometimes we can't help it.

As with your issue with the blogger: People are funny. :-)

Christopher said...

In regards to the pic: the pink hair thingy is just way too much....even for you!

I say keep it down to one hair accessory at a time...minimal is always best!


TJ said...

Good thoughts for Lewis on the way...

tornwordo said...

How can I give an opinion when you reveal nothing of the drama, lol. I'd be happy to help nonetheless.

Mike said...

Why is it that those crazy hairs on our backs, shoulders, even chest, turn a lovely shade of silvery platinum and poke up like a teenager as we age?

I don't know either, so I asked my good friend, Sorted.

He has so much experience with it, you know.

Steven said...

Thoughts are with you Lewis as you go through this family situation. Being a "tour director" for your friends in a large city can also be taxing, but hopefully it will keep your mind off the pending family stuff. In regards to the spotty grays and silvers, I can't speak of it since I'm still in my 30's (barely). ;-)

Michael Guy said...

Sending supportive vibes; family situations are the worse. One is sucked into the vortex regardless the degree of involvement. Family is family, though.

And friends, at least the ones I want/cherish...are not quick to judge comments/thoughts. We all have good/bad sides from time-to-time.

Silver fox? Move to the front of the line, bub.

"W" said...

Sometimes a 'hang in there' just isn't good enough.

But a big gay hug might do the trick! (or sometimes a trick might give you a hug)


Unknown said...

I am sending good thoughts your way... hope it helps!

The kids at work always drop their jaw when I change my shirt after parade... my chest hair is all (ok..85%) gray and they don't know why. Then I tell them my age and its like... "oh..." bastards....

Hugs to you and hubby...

Sh@ney said...

Dont get me started on silver/grey hairs...Everyday I see more & more of them, I am only thankful I dont have chest hair, it is one place I dont have the issue. There is nothing wrong with being serious at times and humorous at another...I guess we just have to be careful what we see as funny may not be for others & when we are serious about an issue we shouldn't expect the same reaction from everyone..Someone mentioned we are all different, it is what makes us interesting & unique...Anwyays I am being serious but I wanna laugh so sue me...:P
Looks like you got through the weekend...*winks*