* * * My Words, My World, My Way * * *

Please Write: ALewisPDX@gmail.com

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Set Them Free

Today, for the first time in a long time, I migrated back to sneakers to do a whole bunch of yard work. Seems like I've been shoe-free for months now. And my feet don't like going back! I'm on my way to release them and set them free now. I'm much more this kind of guy:


Summer Simply Can't Be That Close to Ending.


Jim said...

I've got a tanline from my flip flops. I swear i only wear them around the house. Or to run out to the bank. Or when I'm going to the beach...

Anonymous said...

If you've got feet that look like those, show 'em! :)

Howard said...

That is such a nice feeling; however, I so looking forward to fall. Must happen NOW!

Anonymous said...

HOT, my LEWIS! You KNOW I like that! SLURP! Your FEET ARE...WOOF! Anyway, thanks for your sweet comment on my blog...you are the best.


LSL said...


Anonymous said...

I hear you! Funny how shoes feel so alien after a summer of sandles ... although I wear hiking boots at work all year, so I haven't had quite the foot freedom you have. I admit I've worn that abomination known as Crocs a lot this summer... but they're comfortable!

Trailhead said...

Like Jim above, I have tanlines on my feet. But I wear the overly trendy Keens, so my feet look patently ridiculous.

As for summer ending? LALALALALALALALALALALALA can't hear you LALALALALALALALALA can't hear you!

A Bear in the Woods said...

I treasure my torn up old sneakers. (You have cute feet).

daveincleveland said...

yeah i agree with daniel, cute feet, putting sneakers back on...its kinda like being on vacation and wearing shorts for a week and then going back to work and putting on dress pants for the first time..sucks......love my flops.......

daveincleveland said...

oh and as far as summer ending, i feel i am much more suited to living somewhere that is summer year round.....ever experience a lake erie snow storm......freekin sucks

Chris said...

I'm not really into feet, per se... but you have dead-sexy feet.

Steven said...

Looking forward to seeing you in your snow shoes. ;-)

Ur-spo said...

it is hard to get back into shoes once you are away from them.

"W" said...

Being from KY...I've never been a fan of the shoe. Especially if I'm inside at home. *cue banjo music*

Anonymous said...

every Monday, I'm going to have to take off a Monday, and come down on a Sunday night! Hope your doing great! You do have great feet, I need a pedicure

dpaste said...

I will miss the shoe-free months as well. I'm wearing sandals at work today.

Minge said...

Try wearing tights or stockings instead! Don't you call tights pantyhoes or something? Sounds like prostitutes who are into undies.

D-Man said...

Oh, I thought I was gonna see ruby slippers...DISAPPOINTED!

Jimmi said...

I think its time for some new shoes HONAYE!

Cooper said...

i'm sitting here working at a desk, but my feet are bare, hoping the summer will last one more day.

Anonymous said...

Would you mind posting a picture of the bottom of your feet? Some of us like that kind of thing :)

Raybob said...

What sweet feet you have. Who wears shoes when you don't have to? Barefoot is best.

Rey Rey said...

Luckily I work from home, so I'm shoeless almost year round... Except when I have to walk the dogs. Damn them!

Rick Rockhill said...

I hate bundling up my feet during the work week. yuck

Wiener Wrangler said...

Send me those sneakers!