Irritable Old Bastard. That's what I've been called today. On the heels of a very nice 11
th anniversary yesterday with all of it's gushy sentiments and such, today I've been relinquished to the throes of being an
IOB. I mean, seriously now, check out the meanings of them above. (And, by the way,
someone's Mother in Law is not gonna be happy about the definition of that last horrible word.) But, like I mentioned earlier, ain't the truth a bitch. Yup, she sure is.
Do you like my new winter coat? About sixteen of us could have fit into the 47 yards of material that made that coat up. I felt a bit like Sarah Palin.
joint the club..I have been in a nasty-crusty and vile mood all day..I am not into this Xmas shite this year....On the other hand --I like your coat-- if your off to a blizzard that is...How Fargo!
Lordy, Lewis, how cold do you expect Portland to be this winter? Two words: Global. Warming.
It looks like you're ready for an arctic adventure.
Better to be an irritable old bastard than an irritable old bowel. IMHO, anyway.
Hmmm, looks like you're planning a visit to Toronto!
bwahahahahahaha...wear that coat here...with nothing under it...grrrr...
Oh that's just silly... You're not irritable :P
dear me
You look like an Inuit with a bad luck run on seals this year hohoho
however it does look snug as a bug; I can't imagine you being cold in that one!
"resembling a known species"! that applies to humanity as we know it, so you're a face in the crowd of all the rest of us irritable old bastards, gender non-discretionary. brother, i can't see you in the sea of parka! where'd you gooooooo???????
just say it is PMS.
Your coast looks nice and comfy.
And congrats on the 11 years, that's quite an achievement. My alltime record is 5.5 :-)
oh honey i am feeling ya check out my post today a side of me nobody has seen but was there check it out!
Oh now Lewis... what did you go and do THIS time??? ;)
"I felt a bit like Sarah Palin." Only you're cuter. Don't worry about the comment. It will come back and bite him in the rear, but even harder!
Will it fit in the overhead compartment or under the seat in front?
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